Dear friends,We will be writing more about this soon, but we wanted to share with those following the blog a first look at the new Heritage Huguenot French language app! go to the French site, HeritageHuguenot.com, and it will now…
A recently completed and posted course, in video, audio, and manuscript is Construire sa théologie (Building your Theology). If you can speak French, want to learn French, or perhaps know a French-speaker, this is a great course to watch, and…
Inaugural episode of the short-format video podcast. In English: “Did God Really Say?” Dearest Friends, It was with great excitement that we at Huguenot Heritage finished multiple video and manuscript courses last week and delivered them to our partner, Third Millennium.…
We are very excited about this new series! “Did God really say?” (English translation) will explore themes from the book Laïcusvirus, by Francis Foucachon on basic Christianity and family life in our current society through short, engaging videos. These videos…
Pastor Ivan Bespalov, a Reformed evangelical pastor in Ukraine, talks about spiritual warfare in this excerpt from the French version of the Thirdmill course on Revelation produced by Huguenot Heritage. The last news we heard from Pastor Bespalov (about a…
Dear Friends, In times like these, you need a SaviorIn times like these, you need an anchor;Be very sure, be very sureYour anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He’s the One;This Rock is Jesus, the…
New Course online! We have just released Les Évangiles (The Gospels), one of the longer and particularly important courses in the series we are working on putting into French from Third Millennium Ministries. Meanwhile, we have two more courses that are nearing…
Dearest Friends,As we have been reading through the Old Testament recently, we have been been encouraged all over again by the truth that God inexorably works His will. He is establishing His Kingdom! The baby who was in the manger…
Dear Huguenot Heritage Supporter, First of all, I would like to thank you for your pledges for my Pacific Crest Trail Hike-A-Thon! Your willingness to pledge support for Huguenot Heritage is deeply appreciated not only by me and the personnel…
Ken Feucht (Pilgrim) filmed an in-depth overview of all the gear he brought on the PCT trail walk-a-thon for Huguenot Heritage. Some of his gear changed (which he describes in detail on his blog), but most of it is the same. …