Dearest Friends,
As we have been reading through the Old Testament recently, we have been been encouraged all over again by the truth that God inexorably works His will. He is establishing His Kingdom! The baby who was in the manger is our King, and because He is now ruling over all heaven and earth, we can indeed wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
The Christians of the French-speaking world need to have roots that go deep into God’s Word and into solid theology so that they can think correctly about the King and His Kingdom, and about themselves as His subjects. The 300 million francophones on this planet have very little biblical education available to them. We are getting ready to present them with a present this Christmas—our 11th course in French, He Gave Us Scriptures (biblical hermeneutics) from Third Millennium.
This year is the 10th anniversary of Huguenot Heritage. It’s truly exciting to see what God has enabled us to accomplish! The diagram below will show you that we are coming up on a major milestone—that of having enough courses to constitute the required credit hours for a Certificate of Biblical Studies, which puts us halfway to the longer-term goal of the 32 courses necessary for a Masters degree. We are partnering with Birmingham Theological Seminary in this endeavor.

In order to publish our 16th course on time in 2021, we need to receive the funds to be doing the work now. For example, the courses need to be translated before video production work can begin.
We have already started by faith on three courses, which are partially completed. And we are poised to begin three new courses. Each course costs approximately $50,000 to complete, from start (translation) to finish (final publication and distribution of the course in video, audio, and text format). We are thanking God with full hearts for the funds He has already provided during this giving season, and we are asking Him to provide the remaining donations to reach the important milestone mark of our 16th course.
God mysteriously uses our prayers to accomplish His will. Will you please pray with us that He would provide the funds we need to make this strong move forward? And would you consider giving towards this end, as He leads you and as He provides? Tax-deductible checks can be made out to Huguenot Heritage, and sent to 3200 Foothill Road, Moscow, ID 83843, or you can donate here through PayPal (below).

One with you for biblical education, for the French-speaking world, for free.
Joyeux Noël!
Francis and Donna Foucachon

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