New Course online!
We have just released Les Évangiles (The Gospels), one of the longer and particularly important courses in the series we are working on putting into French from Third Millennium Ministries.

Meanwhile, we have two more courses that are nearing completion for the new year: Primeval History and The Book of Revelation. Manuscripts for Father Abraham and The Books of Acts are complete and are currently in quality control.
Covid19 and Year-end Giving
We have been especially blessed, in particular during this time that for many has meant restricted work due to Covid19. Rather than slowing us down, Covid has had the effect of allowing us to have even more time to work on getting biblical education courses translated and produced for the French-speaking world. Multiple trips had to be cancelled, creating unexpected extra time in our schedule. Through dear friends, God provided the means for Huguenot Heritage to build a sound booth on site, which has made the audio recording of the courses much more effective. The video filming still takes place in the studio downtown. We are making great progress towards our 2021 goal of having 16 courses fully produced (which represents 27 credit hours of a certificate of Christian Ministry).
The downside of this period has been that we have not been able to travel to carry out planned fund-raising activities. In addition, some of our donors have had to reduce giving, or have had to quit giving completely, because their business shrank or dried up due to the economic impact of Covid19. However, we know God will provide! If you find yourselves in a position to be able to give to Huguenot Heritage this Christmas, we would be especially grateful during this time!
Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Years!
Joyfully in His sure Hand,
Francis and Donna

In the new Huguenot Heritage recording booth.

Huguenot Heritage, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Huguenot Heritage
3200 Foothill Road, Moscow, ID 83843
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