The 2019 Christ Church Missions Conference, held in Moscow, Idaho in February 2019, with Dr. George Grant and pastor Douglas Wilson. Session 1: Eschatology and Evangelism Dr. George Grant Session 2: Optimillennialism: A Defense of Optimistic Eschatology Dr. George Grant…
From a letter by John Calvin to prisoners in Lyon, France, imprisoned for their faith. “Remember to lift up your eyes to that everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ, and to think of whose cause it is in which you fight;…
Text: 1 Peter 1:3-9 Listen to the sermon here: Download HERE. True faith is living faith. It is many-faceted. FIRST FAITH LESSON FROM THE GOSPEL: Matthew 8:5-10 – Great faith understands that Jesus’ power and authority are much greater than…
Tongues shall be redeemed And Calvin’s land sing Psalms again esteemed Unto Christ our King Jesu, who from the throne Doth in heaven reign Loves to hear his own Glorify his name But Zion’s walls breached The world now dark…
Marie Durand, ( 1711-1776) spent 38 years in jail for the crime of honoring God over man’s laws. My Huguenot ancestors were known to be courageous and strong in their faith. They believed in salvation by faith in Christ and…
French is a fast-growing global language that will be present on all continents. At Huguenot Heritage, we are working hard to produce excellent biblical education in French that will reach this generation and generations of French-speakers to come.
The most effective church-planters on the mission field are nationals. They know the language of their country and speak it without an accent; they understand the culture with all its layers; they have studied the history of their nation and…
American Christians have a long-standing connection to our French brethren of the past, the Huguenots. The Huguenots were the Christians of the Reformation in the sixteenth century in France. Many gave their lives for Christ, that we, who follow after…
Find out how Huguenot Heritage and Third Millennium Ministries have partnered together to bring biblical education to the leaders of the French-speaking world. We invite you to watch this short video presentation (5:45). If you would like to donate to…
Mission in the 21st Century: The Witness of a Full-orbed Gospel| Dr. Peter Jones Christ Church Missions Conference, Moscow, Idaho. February 2015. To download mp3, right-click and “save-as” HERE – (mp3 – 43mb) If video is not playing above, click…