Dearest Friends,
Jesus was born in Bethlehem—and the world has never been the same since!
“Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end.” (Is. 9:7)
His Kingdom is growing, and we are delighted to be a part of it at HuguenotHeritage as we work in partnership with Third Millennium Ministries. It isexciting to be sending Biblical education via video and the internet, for free,to the 250 million French-speaking people in the world who are in desperateneed of solid scriptural foundations upon which to stand.
We are poised and equipped to translate and produce as many courses at atime as we receive the funds for. If you would like to help with an end-ofthe-year gift towards the production of a course, or for our personal support,we would be deeply grateful!
Merry Christmas 2014 to each and every one of you!

Francis and Donna Foucachon
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