Dearest Friends,
We have taken a huge leap of faith after our initial years of slowly building a base of support and a team. Third Millennium Ministries, with whom we partner, has increasing involvement in French Africa, and they have asked us to go faster in producing French courses. We are excited to be doing just that! We are producing four times more seminary video courses this year than last year.
We have received great appreciation for our courses from French-speaking Europe as well. The use of the videos is growing! Rodolphe, a Christian bookstore owner in Montélimar, France recently wrote us, “Your videos are a success and a great blessing for the Body of Christ.” Daniel, the director of a mission to French-speaking Africa and owner of a French Christian resource web site, just featured Huguenot Heritage courses on his site. The Institut Biblique de Genève is also putting Huguenot Heritage courses up on their website.
To be more effective, we started multiple courses at the same time in 2018! Production is on track to complete our 11th course by the end of this year, with two more in the pipline. But we are $90,000 away from our fundraising goal that would keep us on track with our schedule. We are so excited about this pace, as we are getting very close to the 16 courses which represent the curriculum of a 2-year seminary degree! Please consider helping us reach that goal!
We would be so grateful for your gifts to Huguenot Heritage!
Your tax-deductible check made out to Huguenot Heritage can be sent to. Huguenot Heritage
3200 Foothill Road
Moscow, ID 83843
or you can set up ongoing support through PayPal through our Donation Page.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to each and every one of you! We can rejoice because God is not just way up there somewhere; in Jesus, He is Immanuel–near us, with us, in us!
One with you for Biblical education, for the French-speaking world, for free!
With much love,
Francis and Donna

Huguenot Heritage has come so far, by God’s grace! 300,000 French-speaking people worldwide can go to our French website and click on any of these banners to access a course that will bring the best in biblical education right into their own homes or churches, in their own language, for free. We are excited that many of these courses are completed and available in French in manuscript and video form, and we are asking God for the funding to finish the ones that are incomplete but underway.
Coming soon! Coming soon! Newest release!
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